Salman Hussien Omran
Energy and Renewable Energies Technology Center
Assistant Prof.
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He received the B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Technology and the M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from University of Technology, Iraq, in 1990 and 2002, respectively. He is currently working with the academic staff of the Energy and Renewable Energies Technology Center at the University of Technology.
M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from University of Technology/Iraq-2002
B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Technology/Iraq-1990
Material Selection
Solar thermal energy
Manufacturing Process Selection
Metal Alloys and Light Alloys
Quality Control Charts
Product System Design
Total Quality Control
Operation Research
Fuzzy Reliability
Fuzzy Quality Control
Kifayah A. Al-saffar, Salman H. Omran & Tariq M. Hamza, "Problem – Based learning (PBL) as Teach in Method", proceeding to the first conference on strategies development of private higher education in Iraq , Iraq – Baghdad, 2018
Laith Jaafer , Humam kareem &Salman H.omran, "Electronic based learning in the University: Mechanical engineering" , proceeding to the first conference on strategies development of private higher education in Iraq , -Iraq – Bagdad , 2018
Salman H.Omran , Moaz H.Ali , Mortadha Mohsen AL- Masoudy ,Muatamed abed hajar , Studding the effect of alumina on the mechanical properties of aluminum alloy prepared from waste using powder met allure , International Journal of engineering & technology , 7(4) (2018 ) 5589-5593
Nada Jasim Habeeb , Salman H.Omran & Dahir Abbas Radih "Contrast enhon cement for Visible infrared image using fusion and sharpen filters" international conference on Advanced science and engineering , university of zakho – Duhok polytechnic university , October 9 – 11 , 2d8
Tariq M. Hammza , Salman H.Omran , Nassear R.Hmoad, ,"study effect of using a different bearing combination on the Duhamel response of rooter bearing system " Journal of mechanics of continua and mathematical sciences , vol.15 no.1, January (2020)
K.A.Sager ,A,H.Ali &Salman H.Omran " Means of developing communication between the Engineering colleges and the Labor market "Engineering and Technology , Journal , Vol 37 , part C , No.4 , pp.492 -497 , 2019
Salman Hussien Omran "Evaluation of an Industrial Product Quality Level Demerit Control chart " AL-Abbas Holy Shrine , Albahir Journal Vol , 7 issue :13-14 , pp. 51 – 63 , 2018
Sadiq hasun abdulaziz , kuwther khidher Nasser , Salman H.Omran and Rasha Riyadh ahmad " Measuring the ratio of the in Tensely of the noise level by using statistically methods – Applied in the power station south of Baghdad" , proceeding of the first international conference for engineering researches(ICER) , middle Technical university 1-2/3/2017
Dr. Adnan Hussien Ali , Dr.Ali Abdulraazzaq , Dr.Hassan S.Hamad , Salman H. Omran ,vailet hikmet faraj , rasha Riyadh ahmed izzat "QoS WIMAX and Wi – Fi performances analysis based OPNET modeler 14th international conference on inrovations in engineering &Technology ( ICIET – 2018 ) March 21 -23 , 2018 Istanbul ( Turkey)
Basim Ajel Sadkhan and Salman H.Omran " Study the influence of cu% on the mechanical properties of Aluminum – Coppell Alloys " Journal of engineering and applied science 3 ( special ISSUE10) :8196-8203 , 2018
Prof.Asst Salman Hussein Omran Ahmed Alwan Salih & Kian Raheem Qasim "Estimating parameters and reliability function of general exponential failure Model " 8th international conference Technology (ICIT ),2017
kiffah H.Hilal,Salman H.Omran , Mathanna "Effect of solid particle properties on heat transfer and pressure drop in packed dust " AL-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal , vol .9 , N0.2 , p.p 33 – 47 (2013) Hussien Omran , Dr.Ahmad Adnan Abdualjabar and Dr. Nabeh Natic "Study on graduation under graduate :reality and ambition" , proceeding to 1st international conference of engineering education " Iraq – Baghdad , 2019
Nabeh Natic Aldevoubi . Humam Kareem Jalghaf , Salman H.Omran , Ahmad Sadeq Yousif and Laith Jaafer Habeeb "Modern Methods and Technology in university engineering education using computer programs " Proceeding to the second international conference scientific for AL-Nisour university college ,May , 2018
Amgad B.Abdulghafour , Salman H.Omran ,Zina J .Ghulam and Musaab k.Rasheed "Quality improvement of petroleum products using fuzzy control chart ", International Journal of Natural sciences Research , vol .5 , No.1 , pp.8-21 , 2017
Muatamed Abed Hagar ,Salman H.Omran, Hayder abded Hasan "towards development of multi- variate Non – Linear data examination using FUZZY Bayesian modelling based cumulative sum(FBCUS)", Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical &control systems , vol.10 , 04 – special issue , 2018
Ehab N.abba , Salman H.Omran ,Muhaed Alali, Mohammed H.Abass & Adnan .Abood , " Dissimilar welding of AISI 309 Stainless steel to AISI 1020 carbon steel using Arc stud welding " ,International conference on advanced science and engineering (ICOASE) , Kurdistan Regrow – Iraq , 2018
Sinan A.Naji , Hatem N.Mohaisen , Qusay S.Alsaffar , Salman H.Omran " A Modified RSA Algorithm for hiding datain colored images with random pixels selection "
Nathire A.Ibrahim , Salman H.Omran , Tariq M. Hamza " Studying TOM of private higher education using statistical methods "international journal of advanced research in education & technology , vol.5 Issue 4, pp.30-38 , (October to December 2018 )
Laith jaafer , salman H.Omran , Humam Kareem , Nabeeh Nataq and Ahmed Sadaq " engineering Learning university using computer and information technology " Journal of Baghdad college of Economic Sciences university , special issue , 2018
Salman H.Omran "statistical Quality control of industrial products at the general company for vegetable Oils ",Journal of engineering university of Baghdad vol.6,No.6, pp.150-135 , 2012
D.Mithal A.Al-Bassam,Salman H.Omran "Design and Implementation of Computer- Adid System Light Metal Selection" Association of Arab universities ,Journal of engineering sciences , vol.2,No.20,pp.65-79 , 2013
Abdullah Dhayea Assi, Salman H.Omran "The effect of tempering on the fatigue behavior for medium carban steel" – The Iraq Journal for mechanical an materials engineering , university of Baghdad , vol.12,no.4, 2013
Salman H.Omran , Raheema Fadhel Abood "Building a sample plan (Bayesian ) for the general company for electrical industries" ,Association of Arab universities ,Journal of engineering sciences vol.18,no.1,2011
Dr.Luma Adnan Hamed , Amal Sadiq Atta, Salman H.Omran " Studying the influence of raw materials constrain on maximize the revenue of products mix using simplex linear programming method (A plied study in Heavy engineering equipment state company )" , engineering and development Journal , Al-mustansiriya university , vol.17 , no.1 , March, 2013
Ahmed A.Al-hafaji , Salman H.Omran , Zainab A.Ibrahim "Analysis Radians Rejection of A final product by using quality tools ", Association of Arab universities , Journal of engineering , sciences , vol.2,no.20 ,2013
Dr.Zuhair Issa Ahmed , Salman H.Omran , Layla SHawket Hermiz "Determination of optimality for production lines by reduction production machines cost and time the state company of electrical industries – electrical machines factory " ,The Iraqi Journal for mechanical and materials engineering , vol.13,no.4,2013
Salman Hussien Omran "Evaluate Quality of an Electrical product by using quality standards ",Journal of university of Babylon , engineering sciences , vol.22, no.2,March, 2014
Dr-Ahmad A.Alkafaji , Salman H.Omran , Dr.Ismeal H.Ehallob " using of statistical methods to determine the defects cost affected on the product data and forecast losses for decision – making " , university of Technology , Engineering & Technology Journal , vol.32,no.9,2014
Salman H.Omran " Development of case study Applied at the general company for vegetable oils " , university of Baghdad – Journal of engineering , vol.19,no.4 , April 2013
Dr.Abullah Dhayea Assi . Salman H.Omran , "The effect of welding joints design on the fatigue crack growth rate ", The 6th international engineering conference (IEC2020 ) , Tishk international university and Erbil polytechnic university , February 26 -27 , 2020
Salman H.Omran , Moaz H.Ali , Muatamed abed hager " Investigation of medical image segmentation using machine Learing based fuzzy reliability function for MIOT " international conference on science & technology November (2-3) , ( Indonesia 2019 )
Abdullah Dhayea Assi† , Salman Hussien Omran‡ , Moaz H. Ali," Effect of Corrosion on the Fatigue Strength of the Medium Carbon Steel (CK 50) after a Shot Peening", Technique Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments ISSN: 1024-1752 CODEN: JERDFO Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 64-73 Published Year 2020 64
Abdullah Dhayea Assi† , Qasim M. Azpen† , Salman Hussien Omran‡, "The Parametric Stability of Elastic Columns Under Different Types of Dynamic Loadings" , Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments ISSN: 1024-1752 CODEN: JERDFO Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 74-80 Published Year 2020 74
Abdullah Dhayea Assi, Hassan A. Abdulhadi, Salman Hussien Omran, "Effect Of Adding SIC And TIO2 Nanoparticles To AA6061 By Stir Casting Technique on the Mechanical Properties Of Composites", Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments ISSN: 1024-1752 CODEN: JERDFO Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 167-183 Published Year 2020