Items filtered by date: June 2023

The lecturers (Professor Miqdam Tariq Chaichan, professor Ahmed A. Al-Ameri and Assistant Professor Suha .A Mohammed) from Energy and Renewable Energies Technology Center at the University of Technology- Iraq got an acknowledgment and appreciation letter from the Minister of higher education and scientific research  Dr. Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi for their publication in the web of since database and their publication five papers that have impact factor more than five





















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The Assistant Professor Salman Hussein Omran from the Energy and Renewable Energy Research Center got a patent entitled " Development of an electric elevator that adopts tanks and weights " from Central Organization for Standardization and Quality/Ministry of Planning under No. 7955 on 9/4/2023 in cooperation with research team from the University of Technology- Iraq and other universities.




 Patent details:

Within the international classification (51): B66B9/00

Iraqi classification (30)

Date: 9/4/2023











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