Cinque Terre

Mohammed Ali Fayad

Energy and Renewable Energies Technology Center

Assistant Professor

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Dr. Mohammed Ali Fayad is energetic, motivated professional with track record of researches and teaching in the area of internal combustion engines. Areas of expertise include: setting-up of engine test cells, planning and executing projects, developing original test methods; publications in reputed international journals and conferences; highly passionate about aftertreatment systems of engines, renewable fuels. He received the B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Al-Rasheed College of Engineering and Science and the M.S.c degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Technology- Iraq, in 1999 and 2004, respectively, and Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Birmingham, UK in 2017. He is working with the academic staff of the Energy and Renewable Energies Technology Center at the University of Technology- Iraq from 2004 to 2023. In addition, he is working a head of Energy Fuel department from 2020 to 2023. He is published more than 60 scientific papers in different journals and publishers. He has main contributing to obtain our University on the rank of 251 within World University Rankings according to the Times Higher Education. According to the Stanford University, he is selected among the best 2% of world scientists for the year 2022, depending on scientific specialization, research path and citations. Currently, he has been appointed as the Manger of the Energy and Renewable Energies Technology Center in 2023.

October 2017 - PhD Mechanical Engineering (Renewable Energy), Birmingham University, UK

October 2004 Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq

July 1999 - Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical, AL-Rasheed College of Engineering and Science, Baghdad, Iraq

Biofuel and fuel blends.
Solar thermal energy.
Diesel engine and after treatment systems.
Analysis Engine emissions and particulate matter characteristics.
Engine equipment and Nano equipment.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer.
Engine Calibration & Data Analysis Experience.

Fayad, M.A., Tsolakis, A., Fernández-Rodríguez, D., Herreros, J.M., Martos, F.J., Lapuerta, M., Manipulating modern diesel engine particulate emission characteristics through butanol fuel blending and fuel injection strategies for efficient diesel oxidation catalysts. Appl. Energ., 2017. 190: p. 490-500.

Fayad, M.A., Fernández-Rodríguez, D., Herreros, J.M., Lapuerta, M., Tsolakis, A., Interactions between aftertreatment systems architecture and combustion of oxygenated fuels for improved low temperature catalysts activity. Fuel, 2018. 229: p. 189-197.

Fayad, M.A., Herreros, J. M., Martos, F. J., Tsolakis, A., Role of Alternative Fuels on Particulate Matter (PM) Characteristics and Influence of the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst. Environ. Sci. Tech., 2015. 49(19): p. 11967-11973.

Fayad, M.A., Tsolakis, A., Martos, F.J., Influence of alternative fuels on combustion and characteristics of particulate matter morphology in a compression ignition diesel engine. Renewable Energy, 2020. 149: p. 962-969.

Fayad, M.A., Investigating the influence of oxygenated fuel on particulate size distribution and NOX control in a common-rail diesel engine at rated EGR levels. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2020: p. 100621.

Fayad, M.A., Effect of renewable fuel and injection strategies on combustion characteristics and gaseous emissions in diesel engines. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2019: p. 1-11.

Dhahad, H.A., Fayad, M.A., Role of different antioxidants additions to renewable fuels on NOX emissions reduction and smoke number in direct injection diesel engine. Fuel, 2020. 279: p. 118384.

Al Salihi, H.A., Fayad, M.A., Slepchenkov, M., Shunaev, V. Nanoscale oscillator on the base of single-walled carbon nanotube with internal fullerenes C36 and C80. in Saratov Fall Meeting 2019: Laser Physics, Photonic Technologies, and Molecular Modeling. 2020. International Society for Optics and Photonics.

Fayad, M.A., Analytical solution for predicting heat pipe performance. AL-TAQANI, 2012. 25(1): p. E 82-E 94.

Hamidi, S.T., Fayad, M.A., Theoretical study for aerodynamic performance of horizontal axis wind turbine. AL-TAQANI, 2011. 24(8): p. E113-E124.

YFayad, M.A., Effect of fuel injection strategy on combustion performance and NO x/smoke trade-off under a range of operating conditions for a heavy-duty DI diesel engine. SN Applied Sciences, 2019. 1(9): p. 1088.

Farge, T.Z., Shibib, I.I., Fayad, M.A., Alwan, M.A., PER FORMANCE IMPROVEMENT OF A TURBO SHAFT ENGINE USING WATER INJECTION. Iraqi journal of mechanical and material engineering, 2011. 11(3): p. 417-436.

Maria Bogarra, Omid Doustdar, Mohammed Fayad, Miroslaw Lech Wyszynski, Athanasios Tsolakis, Andrzej Pacek, Peter Martin, Ralph Overend, Shane O Leary, Performance of a drop-in biofuel emulsion on a single-cylinder research diesel engine. Combustion Engines, 2016. 166 ((3)): p. 9-16.

Fayad, M.A. and Jawad, Q.A., Effect of Post-Injection and Alternative Fuel on Emission Characteristics and Smoke/Soot Emissions in a Common-Rail DI Diesel Engine.

M. A. Fayad, K. D. Dearn, and A. Tsolakis. Influence of Alternative Fuels on Lubricant ‏Properties in Diesel Engines, 2015,‏‎ University of Birmingham’s Research Poster Conference 2015.

M. A. Fayad, J.M. Herreros, F.J. Martos, and A. Tsolakis. ‎Influence of Current ‏Aftertreatment Technology on Emissions Control From the Combustion of Next ‏Generation Fuels, Future Powertrain Conference 2015 (FPC2015), 19/20 February, Solihull.

M. A. Fayad, A. Tsolakis. Understanding the Combined Impact of Renewable Fuel and Injection Strategy on Particulate Emission ‎Characteristics in Modern Diesel Engine, 2016, EPS Research Conference, University of Birmingham.

Salman, A.M. and M.A. Fayad, Natural convection heat transfer of liquids in a rectangular enclosure. AL-TAQANI, 2013. 26(2): p. E134-E148.

Salman, A.Z., Fayad, M.A., Salam, A.Q., Theoretical Investigation of Buoyancy-driven Cavity Flow by Using Finite Element. International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2019. 4(1): p. 66-70.

Fayad, M.A., AL-Ogaidi, B.R., Investigation the Morphological Characteristics of the Particulate Matter Emissions from the Oxygenated Fuels Combustion in Diesel Engines. Engineering and Technology Journal, 2019. 37(10A): p. 384-390.

Fayad, M.A., Particulate Matter (PM) characteristics from compression ignition diesel engines operated by renewable fuels. 2017, University of Birmingham.

Engine lab in Mechanical Engineering department.

Teaching Assistant in Mechanical Engineering department.

Laser & Optoelectronics Engineering Department / engineering drawing

Teaching assistant in internal combustion engine fundamentals, thermodynamics, Fluid and Heat transfer.

Mechanical Engineering Labs.

Two acknowledgment and appreciation letter from Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research More than 30 acknowledgment and appreciation letter from President of the University of Technology-Iraq Seven acknowledgment and appreciation letter from the Manger of the Energy and Renewable Energies Technology Center and head of Mechanical Engineering Department One acknowledgment and appreciation letter from Dean of Collage of Applied Medical Sciences, University of Kerbala, Iraq, He selected among the best 2% of world scientists by the Stanford University (USA) for the year 2022, depending on the scientific specialization, research path and citations.

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