
Article published for Prof. Miqdam T. Chaichan in an international journal Elsevier within Scopus index

Prof. Miqdam T. Chaichan, Director of the Energy and Renewable Energies Technology Centre at the University of Technology / Iraq, has published a scientific research in an international scientific journal with a solid (Scopus) database entitled:

 A review of dust accumulation and cleaning methods for solar PV systems

In the Elsevier-Journal of Cleaner Production Issue 276 in December / 2020 has an impact factor of 7,246

Contents lists available at Science Direct


journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/ locate / jclepro

 About the research:

This research reviews, classifies and discusses the most important developments in the field of dust research and cleaning of photovoltaic panels. The study focused on the effect of cleaning methods on the efficiency of the PV system. In this study a unique review where many highly valued publications in this area are discussed. In addition to the review of recent studies related to photoelectric cleaning, which were reviewed in terms of simplicity, cost-effectiveness and impact on energy production and efficiency. The best method in terms of technical and economic aspects of a given system related to the environmental parameters of the site is determined by the proposed methodology.










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